Terms of use

All images are free download for use as desktop wallpapers.
Other uses such as posters, banners, web content, or prints not allowed, if not shown below exception to the rules of use. Any exceptions (exception exceptions) are precisely defined and do not assume any variation.

The catalog is filled with images of registered users wallpapers-fenix.eu. They are supposed to be designed for Wallpapers of compilers, and the author of the image has given permission to publish their work. If someone is convinced that any of the images are posted in violation of the rules, please report the image address. After examining the reason for the complaint, the image that violates the rules will be removed.

Exceptions to rules

  • Exceptions to the rules contained in these terms are only possible upon submission by a written document in the form of consent of the owner, representing the company or other rightholder.
  • Exceptions to the rule are announced by the copyright holder for an individual slide based on a personal review of each frame separately.

For example:

  • When you paste an image into a web service, the image is displayed by default during the publication without any exceptions. This means that all restrictions apply to it.
  • If at the time of publication the author chooses to grant any authorization, the author must document in writing that he is the right holder of the copyright on the illustration and provide appropriate evidence.
  • The exception granted can not be removed in the future, the decision to free commercial or even non-commercial use of the image on other sites such as content, print or any other use that is irrevocable and can not be undone.
  • At the same time as the image previously published, the copyright holder may additionally agree to use for other purposes. Such extradition, in any case, does not make amnesty for copyright infringers who have been accused of violating intellectual property and are facing prosecution before the date of liberation from copyright law.
  • Authorization in individual cases may be granted by the rights holder on the basis of personal contracts with the natural or legal person concerned, and only in writing.
  • In no case will the web portal act as mediator in negotiation.

Project "FENIX"

The association FENIX Patron, Ltd., deals with the organization of events aimed at people with multiple sclerosis and people with disabilities. We fulfill the wishes of the children with disabilities and we try to incorporate people with these disabilities into social life. We make it easier for them to break the psychological barriers when returning from the hospital back to normal life. We provide services of a preventive and supportive nature, aimed at strengthening health, strengthening natural relationships and parenting, and strengthening the family as the foundation of a healthy society.

All earnings from the ad block of the catalog wallpapers-fenix.eu will be used to ensure the operation of the project and the rewards of physically disabled people involved in the project. Likewise, donations will be used to create corporate wallpapers and promote the company's patronage.

Due to the fact that the catalog itself is international, it is designed with the possibility of distributing and monitoring the financial income from a particular location, it was decided that the earnings from the Ukrainian and Russian localities would be passed on to the needs of the UBB.ORG.UA. The specific project will always be approved by the Council of Workers in the "FENIX" project.

In light of the prolonged Russian aggression towards Ukraine, all income from the advertising on the website wallpapers-fenix.eu is directed towards the humanitarian support of Ukraine. This decision by the board of FENIX Patron, z.s., has been in effect since June 1, 2022, until further notice. The funds are used to purchase medicine, bandages, and food.