Weapon. This is page # 3 in this category


rocket, cruiser, рейд

rocket, cruiser, рейд


Fighter, combat, the plane, weapons

Fighter, combat, the plane, weapons


New Mexico, Security Forces Group, training

New Mexico, Security Forces Group, training


Leopard 2, third generation main battle tank, German Army

Leopard 2, third generation main battle tank, German Army


Leopard 2, third generation main battle tank, German Army

Leopard 2, third generation main battle tank, German Army


Heckler and Koch, assault rifle, HK416 A8

Heckler and Koch, assault rifle, HK416 A8


Soldiers, Army, Philippines, live-fire exercise

Soldiers, Army, Philippines, live-fire exercise


Raytheon, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Integrated Defeat System, Coyote Block 2

Raytheon, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Integrated Defeat System, Coyote Block 2

Stand With Ukraine

Stand With Ukraine

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